Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turn off the stereo at the bottom before reading this

Something very strange occurred tonight.  The dynamic duo were out for their Power walk when they heard something from a distance.  It sounded strange....sounded as if it were coming from deep within the woods.

They sniffed and listened.

They walked into the woods with ears perked and noses perkier.

This is what they heard. (click play and listen)

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Can you believe the audacity!! It had to be...but so close to where the superpoos were staying??

They went closer - Chelsea with her "sniffer" and Chlo-bear ready to 'rumble'.

They heard where it was coming from - deep within the trunk of a tree stump.

Chloe watched for varmits while Chelse pulled out her mini-digital spy camera to snap a photo.

She peered within the trunk and low and behold...

It was none other than Louie.  In leather.  Oh my.

Chelsea snapped the photo and motioned for Chloe to walk away. 

 They couldn't take him here ... not now with all of the squirrels around - they would be outnumbered and by squirrels in leather...not a chance buster. I mean have you ever rumbled with a squirrel in leather? 

It would be too messy.

So they slowly backed away but....they would return.