Saturday, July 10, 2010


Sorry we still haven't posted the webshow yet!! It just keeps on messing up and deleting on my camera....maybe for my b-day or on Christmas i'll get a FlipVideo. ( Ummm....And BTW this is Brenna not Cindy, she taught me how to edit it. And don't worry....this website will be WAAAAY better!!! We will have quizzes, more music videos, new music on our playlist, and (of course) the actual Webshow!!! Lol :) It might be a little weird at first can't blame us...we're odd characters (Rofl) Welp, I will update you on new stuff in a few days (and maybe with Amanda this time....since I haven't seen her since, I don't know, 5 WEEKS!!!!!) But it might be a while until I see her because I have to spend time with my mom. I went up to Georgia with Cindy for about 7 to 8 days. I reeeally missed her!!!! :( And Amanda. Okay, well please tell your friends and family about this website. Well, when we got all the cool stuff on it, Lol :) Byeeee!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chicken Bob

You know how busy Super Squirrel is...well he's been called on a secret Mission in Afganistan for the next 5 days. 

Darn.  Drat.  Dookeywad.

So Chlo-Bear and Chelsea needed a little assistance to check out some of the clues they have and had to get going while the trail for Louie was hot so.....they looked through their little black book of Super Sleuths and found the number for none other than.....

Chicken Bob.

Yes they did have to pull his head out of the Fiddle Faddle but you do whatcha gotta do. 

He and Chloe have a special bond.  She talks "chicken".

Chicken Bob helped the Dynamic Duo search the trail for new clues...just until Super Squirrel could return.

They searched the:

Tree Trunks

They Searched the:

Coke Machines

They searched the:

Fox holes and

They searched the.....uh....uh....well we won't say what he was doing here since we are not quite sure.

They finally had to take a break and....

get refreshed and then later

Chloe helped him take a bath ....then

They Roasted Marshmellows...Yes Chicken Bob is a Marshmellow Fool.

Just Don't tell Super Squirrel they were roasting on the job.

More on Chicken Bob later.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Super Squirrel

Chelsea and Chlo-bear are tough dudes.  Really tough dudes but super-squirrel is tough as a Hound-dog's toenails.

The dynamic duo has spent time with Super Squirrel this weekend trying to fill him in on the Louie Lavito case.

Super Squirrel also took the time to fill in the Super Poos on things he has been doing since they last saw each other...he has been very busy.

They took time to look thru photo albums and we wanted to share a few pictures with you: 

WARNING:  These are very secretive so do not post as it will jeaopardize the safety of Super Squirrel.

1.  In May of 2007, Super Squirrel became a black belt Ninja.

2.  Super Squirrel spent a little time in Iraq in 2005 and was instrumental in bringing down Saddam Hussein.


3.  Last summer, Super Squirrel made a work out video - Get Buff with Super Squirrel.  Sold over 2 million copies.

4.  Just last year, Super squirrel Graduated from College.  This was his senior photo.  He decided to go glamorous for the photo just to throw off his arch enemies.

5.  Just this past fall Super Squirrel joined the Green Beret.  This was his most difficult challenge.  This was the photo for the Green Beret brochure and he added the John Lennon glasses as he thought it added character to his outfit.

The three supers (Super Poos and Super Squirrel) enjoyed the weekend and sharing what has been going on in their lives. 

Now it's time to get to work.  Louie is out there causing havoc with the Sassy Cats.  But he is no Match for the SOOPS (aka super squirrel, super poo and super poo).

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Squirrely Blackmail

He did it again.  Blackmail.  Either let Louie in the Sassy Cats club or he'll post photos of the Sassy Cats everywhere.  And he did it again.
What is a girl to do - drive down the street and there she is plastered on an abandoned building for all the world to see.

Chelsea and Chloe have been on the hunt for Louie.  They've been looking everywhere.

They thought they could handle it on their own until.....this:

The humiliation.  Chloe..In the Bathtub??  How did Louie do it??

So now the SuperPoos knew they needed help. Someone to go undercover. 

Chelsea tried on a squirrel suit.....Nope head too big.

Chlo-bear tried on a squirrel suit....Nope butt too big.

No choice but to ask their very good friend....the one....the only....

Super squirrel. 
He's faster than a speeding rabbit.... swifter than a soaring crow and more cunning than a Lizard on Prozac.

Super Squirrel.

Louie's dead meat.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Turn off the stereo at the bottom before reading this

Something very strange occurred tonight.  The dynamic duo were out for their Power walk when they heard something from a distance.  It sounded strange....sounded as if it were coming from deep within the woods.

They sniffed and listened.

They walked into the woods with ears perked and noses perkier.

This is what they heard. (click play and listen)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Can you believe the audacity!! It had to be...but so close to where the superpoos were staying??

They went closer - Chelsea with her "sniffer" and Chlo-bear ready to 'rumble'.

They heard where it was coming from - deep within the trunk of a tree stump.

Chloe watched for varmits while Chelse pulled out her mini-digital spy camera to snap a photo.

She peered within the trunk and low and behold...

It was none other than Louie.  In leather.  Oh my.

Chelsea snapped the photo and motioned for Chloe to walk away. 

 They couldn't take him here ... not now with all of the squirrels around - they would be outnumbered and by squirrels in leather...not a chance buster. I mean have you ever rumbled with a squirrel in leather? 

It would be too messy.

So they slowly backed away but....they would return.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Louie Strikes Again

Even though the Dynamic Duo of "Super Poos" are recuperating in a secret location they felt that their location had been found out.  But how?  But who would tell?

They do not feel safe any longer since finding out that the infamous  Louie "Two Toes" Lavito has come out of hiding to Torment the Sassy Cats!!

Louie.  The Super Poos have a history with Louie.  Just look at this from their secret files:

He has evil in his heart.......He has destruction on his mind.......and the Dynamic Duo found out when they awoke this morning that He ....has.... a .......

Digital Camera in His Hand!!

What will he do with all of these photos.....another Billboard perhaps? Blackmail....or has Louie taken a new job as the Sassy Cats paparazzi.

Dynamic's time to get back to work...we need you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chick-Munked Again

Sassy Cats were taking a little drive and low and behold......WOWSERS!!

One of the Sassy Cats on a billboard?
Who could have done this horrible deed? 

Could it be...

No, surely not... 

But was

Louie "Two Toes" Lavito

He's a dastardly devil in disguise and

there is only 1 pair that can bring him down......

This is a job for the dynamic duo....

a squirrel's worst nightmare....

SUPER POOS! (aka: chelsea and chloe)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

JUST FOR A LAUGH - To SCC from Chelse and Chlo

This is for fun....Chelsea and Chlo-Bear were surfing the internet and asked that I would post this. It is an oldie but a goodie.

Sharon...Keeper of the Cats

To satisfy the requests of Brenna and Amanda the webmaster needed to introduce the 2 honorary members of the SCC.  Cindy was introduced below and now this is Sharon.....aka "Keeper of the Cats" or "The Cat Whisper".

Since the club members have a total of about 1500 ....whoops I mean 15 cats they found they needed to hire a zoo keeper.  Sharon fills that position!  Her duties are to feed, water, poop and pee the cats. 

We have to say she LOVES her job and we our happy she's on board.

Sassy Cat Manager

The 2 Sassy Founders have asked that we write a post on the new Manager for the Club.  They asked that a photo be posted of the manager (YUCK...YUCK...and SUPER YUCK).  They enjoy torturing the manager.

Introducing Cindy.  She is our manager, our webmaster, and the one who keeps the two founders of the club on the straight and narrow by screening our music.  Here she is seen walking the streets of Atlanta with her hubby (who will not be shown because he was riding POGO...and it wasn't pretty).

Brenna, Amanda and Cindy hold 3-way phone call meeting in order to plan the upcoming events of the Cats.  Oh...and we also talk about boys (especially Mr. "T").

Next post will be all about the other honorary member of the SCC.....Sharon - the keeper of the Cats.


While the Sassy Cats were walking in the woods they stumbled upon this poster.....on a full view of
everyone walking by......

Yes it's true......Chloe is a squirrel's WORST NIGHTMARE!!!

Chelsea Seeks Assistance

Chelsea's security business has increased so much that she has had to hire an assistant.  She looked high and low for an assistant that met her high standards. 
She finally decided to choose one of the best the world has ever seen. 
This undercover agent is....."Chlo-Bear".  Of course that is not her real name...her real name is kept secret to protect her identity.

Few knew that she too was injured in the undercover shakedown with Chelsea. You see here that she was bandaged and wrapped in her Snuggie after her serious injuries were treated at a local hospital.

She is in a secure secret location with Chelsea begin cared for around the clock.  They both hope to be back at work protecting the world from serious Varmits who want to create havoc everywhere. 

When interviewed by the FOX news channel Chloe stated "I feel that my duty as an undercover agent is to rid the world of .....of.....SQUIRRELS".

Chelsea's Hard at Work

Even though the Sassy Cats have not hired Chelsea as Security yet -  she is helping the club founders track down a few of leads about other varmits that have threatened to crash Sassy Club meetings. 

She is still recovering from her close call but she is able to do computer surveillance work from a secure location.....(a camper).

When she saw that I took a photo she asked to be in disguise so that noone would recognize her. 

Here is another photo of her undercover disguise.  Don't post this photo anywhere because it will be jeopardize her safety.

Stay tuned for the continuing saga of the Sassy Club Security Issue.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Brenna has been Sassy Chick-Munked.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

News Update

Our journalists have come upon more information regarding the secretive undercover job that Chelsea was involved in when she was injured.

We have gained access to this photo:

Chelsea is working undercover in disguise.  We can not divulge where she is but we can divulge who she was protecting while she was undercover....... was Alivin and his bros. 

Good Job Chelse and Get Well Soon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We all know the number one Sassy Cats Rule.......


But we have a little problem.  Our undercover work yielded some interesting information.   Just look.....

Do you recognize the back of this head? 
We is (drumroll please......)


How he did this is still unknown but one thing is perfectly clear.....

Monday, March 29, 2010

Breaking News

As you know the Sassy Cats Club has been negotiating to try and hire Chelsea as the security chief. 

That plan is now in serious jeapardy as Chelsea as been hurt.

The world is stunned.  Chelsea was seriously injured on an undercover shakedown. 

In other words she's got a booboo.

Stay tuned..... as details come in we will break in with news updates.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Karaoke Night!

Here are the lyrics to one of my Aunt's Fav songs.  At the next Sassy Club Meeting we are doing Karaoke!!  Learning this song. 

Why don't you's playing right now.   It's also the fishes theme song (HAHA)

"No Air"  by Jordan Sparks & Chris Brown

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air

I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand

So how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down for real

But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath, but I survived
I don't know how, but I don't even care

So how do you expect me
to live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air, air

No more
It's no air, no air

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air,

No air

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air

No air, air
No air, air
No air, air
No air


Special Alert.......

There has been a breach in the Sassy Cats Club Meeting.  The authorities were alerted and a call to 911 was made.

The perpetrator was arrested and charged.

 Yes it was Muffy.

He was Charged with "CRASHING A SASSY CATS CLUB MEETING".  The scene was gruesome.  Cats flying everywhere.  Muffy chasing them around the room.  Barking.  Hissing.  Scratching. Yelping. and a final Meow.

The SCC Founders are looking into hiring security. 

And this is who we hope to get:

But her Daily fee is very high....3 dog bones, a piece of cheese and a weiner. 
We don't know if we can afford her.

Stay tuned.

Sassy Cats Club Meetings Scheduled

The Sassy Cats Club founders have finally set their meeting schedule.  Super Yipee!!
They are going to meet twice a week.  Mid week after school and after church on Wednesday evenings.  This meeting will be held via Conference Call.

The second meeting of the week will be held on the weekend -- Saturday. When possible the members will get together in person to plan for upcoming events.  When it's not possible the meeting will be held via conference call.

Upcoming events may include:
Developing the SCC Manual of Rules
Developing the SCC Dictionary

One of the main rules that has already been established by the founders of the SCC is:
NO BOYS and NO DOGS ALLOWED (except Chelsea and Chloe).

They have also allowed two honorary members:
Cindy (Fav Aunt in the world)
Mom (Best Cat Lover in the world)

Stay tuned More to come.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sassy Cats Video Shows Coming Soon

Sassy Cats Show is coming soon - Stay tuned for a show filled with excitement and Sass.

Keep checking back for updates on the show.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sassy Cats Club Logo!

Look at the cool new logo for the SCC (Sassy Cats Club). This absolutely awesome person designed this especially for our club. Her fee for designing it was so high that you should not even consider hiring her. She works exclusively for Sassy Cats.

The New Sassy Cats Club!!

Our Sassy Cats Club Blog has just been created. We would like to introduce our 2 founding club members.

Introducing Ms. Brenna:

She is currently a fourth grader at an elementary school in the Southeast. She is almost five foot tall, weighs almost 60 pounds and has short brown hair.

Now let me introduce Ms. Amanda, another one of the founding members of the Sassy Cats Club.

She is also a fourth grader and attends an elementary school in the Southeast. She is tall, almost 5 foot, slim and has long blond hair.

This Sassy Cats Club Blog will tell all of the happenings of these 2 club members..